Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A New Blog Begins and Help for the Girls

This blog is inspired by the movie Hi Fidelity where the characters begin to discuss their top five this and that. In those words, you find out about the depth of their characters...or perhaps it was just the fact that I was rather happy go lucky with lots and lots of adult beverages. Either way, I thought this was an interesting way to bring out my opinions on the stuff that is around from Alien movies to zoo exhibits.

These opinions have no reference in fact, but are just my humble opinion..which I guess is pretty much fact anyways. So, to start out this blog, I will throw out my first First Five List. The topic is seasonal and for the girls...

Best Gifts for Your Guy...under $100

5. Adult Beverages. Works as a stockin stuffer. Most of us love Jack Daniels, but I'm sure that you know his favorite beverage.

4. NFL/NHL/NBA/MLB Jersey of their favorite player-Most of us root for the laundry, but occassionally you'll have some one play on your team that you actually like. Might show that you actually know what he's interested

3. MP3 or Ipod already downloaded with his favorite songs.

2. Toys. Not necessarily sexual, but while we're on the subject something nice for you is always works. But, video games, poker supplies, cowboy stuff, CD's, etc. Whatever he spends his small amount of free time with.

1. Time out with the guys certificate with spending cash. (This only works if they have kids and or have very little time off. )

Bonus: First 5 over rated gifts.

5. Shoes-We need three...you guys need thirty. Not fun for us.

4. Formal Clothes-We're like kids. I hate getting clothes that are for 'Sunday' for a gift. (This is not the same as casual fun clothes...i.e. Sports stuff.)

3. Cologne-Why? Are ya trying to tell us something? Might as well wrap up deodorant and a bar of soap.

2. Tickets to operas/plays or anything that has culture involved. Do not think that your guy is gonna love that you got great tickets for the Nutcracker for 'Christmas for Both of You'. Most of us would have to think a minute before we could decide if we want to watch the 'Nutcracker' or have our nuts literally cracked.

1. Ties. I may use my next tie to hang myself if I get one.

Hope you enjoyed the first thrown together list.


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