Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Biggest Loser, In More Than One Sense....and another list

At First 5 central you get all sorts of unsolicited opinions. I have followed a show with less than fanatic interest called 'The Biggest Loser.' I have seen others of this ilk, but this show for some reason had me actually rooting for some of them to gain weight.

First of all, I was really happy that the Texas girl Michelle won. (We've been to the church she's a part of several times) That was extremely cool.

But, then the other four possibles I had extreme issues with. Shall we go through them?

Vicky...or as I prefer, Bitchy. The self proclaimed game player spent much of the time trying to bend the rules, go around the rules, or gripe at Amy because she was color blind for one vote.

Ed....nice's nice that he lost all that weight...too bad he had to lose his balls along with it. Come on, man....your self sacrificial act of throwing the weigh in and then your 'stepping aside' for your wife made you look like a neutered cat...again, truly not getting into the spirit of the game.

Heba...what Ed had in self sacrifice, she had in self....well, selfishness. I'm glad my wife loves to watch the TV on mute and close caption. Otherwise, two hours of her whiney voice would've had me watching the Wonder Pets with our dependents.

Anyways, todays topic is TV Shows. First 5 BEST comedic TV shows of all time. Again, totally my opinion, but let the arguements rage.

5. Scrubs-The ultimate survivor series. Stupid humor always works. It also borrows/steals from other shows. For instance the Doogie Howser sum up, the wild Allie McBeal flashbacks,but, this show always has heart.

4. Simpsons-The longest sitcom in the history of TV. Maybe not as fresh as it was. (Or maybe I'm just growing too old to understand it) But, in regards of pure humor, had some of the funniest moments I have ever seen on TV.

3. Friends-Changed the face of comedy with the lack of 'THE star'. The cast was the star. There was no Lucy, Archie, Jerry, or even Homer. It was six people with equal importance. It has basically in my opinion influenced other shows like 'How I met Your Mother' comes to mind.

2. All in The Family-This show was ahead of its time by probably three decades. In fact, the stuff they talked about on TV in the seventies is still not really broached in today's world. Racism, alcholism, and just plain prejudiced had a light shown on it weekly on that show. No one was safe.

1. MASH-The first real comedy that showed more depth than just ha ha. A fine cast, a fine story line, and yeah, a lot of political commentary. It was a show that even now can mess with my emotions.

1 comment:

  1. I really wanted Amy (either one) to win the $100,000.

    Great list...I'm impressed that you thought of all-time shows rather than shows you love now.

    Your post make me think of a line from my dear friend Larry the Cucumber:
    "I don't like your ilk. How will I grow strong if I don't drink my milk?"
